So here they are:

I apologise for the bad picture quality - my camera cut out half-way through the shoot. That means you don't get to see the other sergeant and flamer guy to the right of that picture or the way the rifle-armed models on the hw teams are magnetised so can be removed for wound-counting.
I also have these guys:

They're being prepared for the ATTENTION! Contest started by Equinox over on his blog.
The rules demand mostly GW models (though conversion is ok), and that the squad be a legal choice in the new codex. I'm pretty sure these guys should be ok: 10 men, sergeant, grenade launcher and vox. They're missing three heads, but they will be attached when my next pig iron order comes through.
As I have a grand total of 30-odd cadians, I'm thinking I'll buy some spare heads and get neck twisting. They will be a platoon attached to my main army from a different Helghan battalion to explain the difference in uniform.
Cheers guys!